Saturday, August 29, 2020

Transformation is more or like a sales process!

Have you also realized the same? Transformation and Change is lot like selling product and service?

Whatever we do in Organization business transformation is something like a sales process. Some of the techniques that salespeople use which as a transformation change agents we also apply.

What do you think?

Let us understand what do salespeople do in the sales process?

You will discover many parallels in the sales process and transformation and change management process.

Individuals do not buy because salespeople have a solution and customers need the solution. Sales do not work that way. It is much deeper, bigger, and confusing! A lot of emotional than logical drives.

As a salesperson, you don’t modify individuals’ buying habits or factors. What you can do is precisely discover the customer and then pursue to establish a sense of urgency. A lot of buying is performed owing to momentum. It is vital to discover those “real” reasons or factors as to why a prospect would buy now, subsequently, not at all or never.

Selling is not onetime events, it is like establishing a relationship first. People choose to buy from a trusted, experienced individual. Sales are figuring out a problem that is continuing on in customer life. The customer some time recognizes and sometimes not conscious of the problem. Also, the impact of the problem, If they are familiar also, they are not capable to identify whom to seek advice. The customer is not able to trust someone.

End users ready to grant any prices, if it is matching their needs. The customer always does not invariably think about the low price, they seek value, if they are convinced, they will spend any price or prepared to stretch most of the time. The product or solution should make their life better.

Great sales happen when salesmen exactly discover what customer pain points are. They never explain product features or benefits. First, they understand the customer pain points and slowly explain what could be the offering. The customer chooses. Customer needs to be comfortable to buy service from you and you have the end-to-end solution ready which a customer is looking for.
“All things being equal, people do business with and refer business to those people they know, like, and trust.” --Bob Burg

People always choose to purchase from the best, they prefer to feel proud that they have bought from the finest. They look for the credible product and solution which they can proudly share with others. They want to feel best in front of their friend and family members.

Great salespeople understand the pain points of the end-users, they walk with the customer, to consider the customer pain, empathize with them. They observe the customer better before they recommend any solution. The great salesperson asks better powerful questions to grasp the deepest desires of the customer. Together they sail the journey for a common customized solution. This becomes a memorable moment for the customer which they share gladly with other companions.

The cardinal rule of sales is to consistently make it about your consumer. Let them talk, let them share, let them get the attention, let them feel proud, and grant them to receive attention, then only relationship will expand, they will feel like to be with you and share their deep concerns with you.
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” – Bill Gates

Greta salesperson, talk less and listen more. They are mindful of the moment and circumstances. Maybe as a salesman, you know a lot, but end-users do not have expertise like you. So salesmen come down to the customer level and serve.

Great salesperson builds a contract with the customer, Initial with a psychological contract and over a period of time a business contract which results in a successful sale. Initial great salesmen build a shared goal, in which both customers and salespeople work together. Most successful sales happen when all these state steps follow.
“Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.’ Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.” – Mary Kay Ash

A great salesperson is optimistic, confident, positive, smiling, and in good emotional control. People love to work with such a personality. They have a good sense of humor. Those salespeople quickly connect with the customer and the success rate for them is remarkably high. They do not criticize or bad mouth about competition or others.
“I like to think of sales as the ability to gracefully persuade, not manipulate, a person or persons into a win-win situation.” – Bo Bennett

Buyers also don’t want to hear about your product or service. Good salespeople know this and incorporate the product or service they’re selling into a broader story that has an arc and finishes with the customer receiving what they choose.

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