Purpose: Share the research I am working out with all so that they can reuse a few of my discoveries and work out the obstacles. Together we construct a body of knowledge(BoK),KNOWLEDGE TREE -GUIDEBOOKS Vision: Let us share all our challenges and results associated with organization transformation, Mission: Continue creating all the discoveries on a periodic basis to focus on these challenges and distribute knowledge with all.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Are your teams driven by Theory X leaders/managers?
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Strengthening Self-Organizing Cross-Functional Scrum Team
A cross-functional team is a group of individuals with diverse functional expertise working toward a shared objective.
According to the Scrum Guide, a cross-functional team is a team that is organized around a product, a defined portion of a product, a service, or a customer value stream, and must include all competencies needed to accomplish their work without depending on others that are not part of the team.
What are the challenges of establishing such a self-organized cross-functional scrum team?
a) Silos mentality( BA, dev, test, Support )
b) Communication issue( BA, dev, test, Support )
c) Competency issue( BA, dev, test, Support )
d) Alignment issues( BA, dev, test, Support )
e) Conflicts are very high ( BA, dev, test, Support )
f) Ownership and commitment challenges( BA, dev, test, Support )
g) Mindset issue ( BA, dev, test, Support )
h) Collaboration issues ( BA, dev, test, Support )
i) Blame each other
j) Trust deficit, etc
How do we minimize these? Any structural approach we have to consider?
Look at any team and we will see a mixture of behaviors and personalities. Sometimes the individuals in a team can be complete opposites of each other and there will be conflicts; Other times there will be synergy in the team.
The ‘process’ part of the team will be very dependent on the behavior preferences that team members display.
The management psychologist Dr. Meredith Belbin was one of the first people formally to identify the different roles that people play in teams.
He recognized that in teams there are individuals who take action-oriented roles.
Some team members are more people-focused and others more cerebral.
Effective teams are made up of different types of people and they consist of different types of roles.
The mix of role types that play in a team determines their effectiveness.
These roles are
Shaper, Coordinator, Plant, Resource Investigator, Monitor Evaluator, Specialist, teamworker, Implementer, Completer Finisher
Although there are nine team roles, this doesn’t mean that a team needs nine individuals in it to be effective. Individuals will tend to have more than one preferred team role, so will generally occupy more than one role in the team.
When we look for a cross-functional self-organized high-performance scrum team, which evolves after a long cycle of the experiential exploration, we require to look at these 3 factors how effectively it has been matured.
When we recruit team members, if we can balance with these 3 factors, it would be advantageous for them to grow into a high-performance team, as the team will be apt to resolve any challenges they come across.
When I encounter the best scrum teams, I could certainly locate the traces of all these roles in a team.
I could able to trace who is Plant? who is matching the role of coordinator? etc. I start improving if these roles are missing.
When we start coaching, we also nurture these roles, based on what are the gaps, and what can be done to minimize those gaps.
This is a very good structure provided to structurally do team coaching and look for an opportunity.
All the challenges listed initially will slowly resolve when we have all these 9 roles developed and depicted with the scrum team.
We mostly look for a Scrum Master who is having a mixture of all these roles
[ A ‘teamworker’ is generally co-operative, easy to get along with, perceptive, and diplomatic. They are good listeners and are able to smooth over areas of friction within the team. They help keep the team together, particularly during times of stress or pressure.
A ‘shaper’ likes to challenge and drive things forward, enjoying the pressure and the reward of overcoming obstacles. They are able to identify patterns in discussions and in work undertaken and use this to push for change.
A ‘resource investigator’ is likely to be enthusiastic and charismatic, communicating well with others. They are able to explore opportunities, develop contacts, and instigate relationships.
The ‘implementer’ is reliable and well-disciplined, often conservative, and efficient at getting the job done. The implementer is able to reliably turn ideas into practical actions, and strategies into defined and manageable tasks.
People who fulfill the co-ordinator role are generally confident and responsible. They functionwell as a chairperson, helping to clarify goals and establish priorities. They encourage others to make decisions by delegating appropriately. ]
Friday, October 16, 2020
Free Kindle Book : We Can Lead , Festival Offer
To all my readers,
Joyful message to distribute with you, Publisher has given festival offer on my recent book, We can Lead - A Guidebook of Personal Leadership and Self Coaching, Free Kindle Book for a limited period. Please avail of this opportunity till the festival ends in India. Available on Amazon.
Please visit here:
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Measuring the High-Performance team?
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Sunday, October 4, 2020
The Spectrum of Coaching
How do we ensure as a coach, we encourage the team members from Skills development to Individual Transformation?
As an Agile coach when we commence with Agile Training, the journey just commenced. We as a coach desire to support the coachee for a complete transformation. Agile coaching is less focused on the acquisition of skills (inputs) and better focused on promoting the coachee’s grade of Deliverables(outputs and outcomes) in their prevailing role. The focus is more on long-term achievement improvement. As a coach, we desire to ensure coachees promote full-stack personality advancement to obtain long-term benefits.
Like a strategist, a coach needs to consider what can do with each individual so that from skill development, they have transformed themselves into a new performance state. Part of this could be growing awareness for change, inspire, and motivate them to reform, experiment with diverse opportunities, and take action to reform, sustain those changes, secure ongoing discovery exploration progresses.
What do you think?
Building a High-performance team?
The logical levels model, also recognized as Dilts logical levels, was established by Robert Dilts and Todd Epstein, who were, in turn, influenced by the creation of Gregory Bateson and Bertrand Russell.
The logical levels model is built up of the following six stages: Environment, Behavior, Capability, Beliefs and values, Identity, Spirituality, or connectedness.
We can employ for self-transformation, we can employ the same for the team Transformation.
A leader of the team or a coach can study through these logical layers and influence the team for transformation Journey.
Some of the questions team can propose to commence the journey...
How do we distinguish ourselves?
How do we consider ourselves mainly in terms of what we accomplish? Or the experiences we have?
Or What’s vital to us and what we believe? How do we want to be known as?
Or Who we are as a team? What do people tell about us?
Or how do we describe ourselves in terms of our purpose, or being part of something that’s bigger and further prominent than we are as a team?
The essential concept behind the Logical Levels is that each level has a direct relation to the lower level in the hierarchy.
A transformation on a lower level doesn’t naturally change the levels above. A change on a high level, however, invariably changes the lower levels.
This is exactly like a Pyramid of Layers. The base layer is Environment – this is where we are, and what’s around us – including other people. The vital questions here are “Where are We as a team? What is around us as a team? How does my environment affect my objective? What are my external opportunities or constraints? What kind of individuals do we like to have around us? Where do we get assistance from? Where are my sources? How does our working environment make us feel?
The next level up is Behavior. This is what we literally accomplish? What are our habits? How do we as a team act or react in a given condition? – all these happen in the context of the Environment
The next level is the Capability. This is what we recognize how to do, what we are competent to perform, the skills that we have. What are the skills and abilities that we presently possess that will support us to get the transformations we choose? Which skills we desire, but we have not yet mastered in order to perform the required reforms? So our Behavior is adopted from within our territory of skills – just because we have the expertise to perform something, doesn’t mean we will accomplish it.
The next level up is Values and Beliefs – Values being what’s fundamental to us as a team, and Beliefs being what we believe about ourselves, about other communities, and about how the world works, Why do we believe and value that? What beliefs might help us to get stronger results? Our values are what motivate us – if a goal is essential to us, we will set time and effort into carrying out it happen – and they are again the yardsticks that we adopt to vote if something is right or wrong.
Above that, we have the level of Identity. This is the level of who we are as a team, our sense of self as a team. What we stand for as a team? What is our vision of the team? How is what we are experiencing an interpretation of who we are? How would others represent us?
Finally – we have the level of Purpose or Spirit. This is what we are part of that is more powerful to us than to ourselves; what we feel hooked up to, and what someday we would give up your life for. This is an about team mission. For what reason, we are here? How would we like to be remembered when we are no more team? What greater good do we believe in?
So, if we are wishing to establish change take effect, make assured that the change is taking place at an adequately high level to establish it stick.
Reference: http://www.nlpu.com/Articles/LevelsSummary.htm#:~:text=Dilts,another%20system%2C%20and%20so%20on.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
We Can Lead
The coronavirus pandemic has established an unprecedented condition in front of all of us. This is the moment where we require to demonstrate enormous leadership abilities to surmount these crises situation.
My third book, “We can lead” is a leadership book for all individuals who choose to grow into better whatever they are working out. It is a guidebook that can stimulate to self-analysis and striving to enhance our inner self and serve others to accomplish the same. This book has made me stronger, and I am absolute it will do the same for others. This book will aid everyone to stay strong at this crisis hour.
Please glance inside the book to identify further about the composition.
Available here: https://notionpress.com/read/we-can-lead
#leadershipskills #leadershipcoaching #selfcoaching #agilecoach #scrummaster #scrummasters #productowners #changeagents #projectmanagers #projectmanager #coaches
Saturday, September 19, 2020
What Leaders does during Agile Transformation
Psychological Saftey in Spotify Model is built-in.....
Organization Change Operation for a Fresh Drive?
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Friday, September 11, 2020
Why feel uncomfortable is the best way forward?
Am I in my comfort zone?
My colleagues suggest I should not be.
As an when I growing older my mind seeks a comfort zone.
Comfortable team members are enemies for the high-performance team! They would like to be a comfort zone due to many reasons!
I am higher satisfied with Maslow’s bottom 3 layers from hierarchies of needs.
I have been to Top of the Hierarchy for some moment, Now I am Ok with the bottom 3 layers of the Maslow hierarchy of needs. A comfortable team member will say!
This is the query that invariably shows up to my mind. Am I in my comfort zone?
The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure. You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone. - Roy T. Bennett
I request my colleagues what are they doing to come out from this comfort zone
Am I turning into stronger physically, mentally, spiritually, psychologically, family, etc? For the last couple of years?
“We have to be honest about what we want and take risks rather than lie to ourselves and make excuses to stay in our comfort zone.”–Ray Bennett
My companions, say
If I am in my comfort zone, I might have not been seeking something unique. Without working out the fresh initiative, life is going on and everybody around me is happy, including myself!
I checked with my colleagues; they are refusing this fact that they are doing anything not new. Everything is new to them on a routine basis!
When I investigated, if they are learning anything new, are those good enough to stay relevant, looks like they are 100% convinced that yes they are participating in a new initiative and they are progressively learning something original by sitting at comfort place!
“When was the last time you did something for the first time.” Anonymous
If I am in my comfort zone, I might have not creating new friends in my office or outside of my office. I reviewed with many of my team members; they denied these facts that; they do not have a new friend. They acknowledge that yes; they have many friends on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and regular these volumes are growing. They confess that they are part of many WhatsApp groups.
Are we able to get the benefits of our wisdom owing to different friends/networks/groups we are part of? are we exploring some different wisdom from our different friends? The answer was positive!
If I am in my comfort zone, I might have not active to undertake something new. Most of the time I will find excuses not to do anything new. Once I checked with a few of my colleagues, they decline to say that is not like that. They always accept new opportunities! People who are in a comfort zone, they are scared to accept a new assignment, as it will challenge them. They are not ready to shake up their existing setup. They are happy as happiness is one of the fundamental driving forces for them. Life should be in balance & that is their belief. Why run behind the rat race?
If I am in my comfort zone, I will be in the Relax zone in the Flow model. I have the ability but I love to take the low challenging assignment, else I will get worried or anxious which I do not want. I love to be in my control zone!
If I am in my comfort zone, my worth has not substantially advanced in the last couple of years. As I am benefiting the comfort benefits my other benefits are not thriving. My mental peace has improved. My skills and competence have not substantially enhanced. My life has become more or less predictable. I know what we will happen next and how to control them. Though I am in a routine trap. I will be taking precisely the same route, same bus, same building, same people, same technology, same routine.
If I am in my comfort zone, you will read the same book, same newspaper, same food, same restaurant, same friend. My taste will less like to alter. I am more or less happy with whatever I have. if someone suggests me to try different, I will become philosophical and defend this the best approach in this world
If I am in my comfort zone I become scared, I get fear; I appear weak; I am a bit pessimistic, my mental strength is not very powerful. I have some story that has produced me weak or make me ok with the present state.
“The only thing that is stopping you from where you are to where you want to go is your comfort zone.” – Dhaval Gaudier
If I am in my comfort zone, I am not developing my passion, I do not have a substantial purpose in my life. Some of my colleagues in the routine rut they are illustrating how passionately they are living & doing the routine again and again. They are appropriate at arguing to justify there is nothing much to be done. They are already living at the highest peak in the world.
If I am in my comfort zone, I have full control of my life. I do not let go of my control. Everything takes place with super prediction. Because for so many reasons my mind does not oblige me to explore. I am holding everything tight to my heart.
The desire to live within our comfort zone and to be in control all the time is a denier of a fulfilling life that excites. Let go. - Assegid Habtewold
Let us make ourselves Uncomfortable! Disturb ourselves a bit, Shake ourselves a bit, Challenge ourselves a bit, Make us uneasy a bit......
What Leaders does during Agile Transformation
Leadership is crucial in any Organizational Agile Transformation.
Adapted from: Wikipedia: Complex Adaptive System
Leadership in Agile Organization is like a Complex Adaptive system leadership. Things are emergence, Patterns are evolving based on the input receiving from the agents.
Agile Transformation starts with Agile Leadership.
Organizations need to pursue business benefits happening owing to Agile ways of functioning.
In the Agile organization, leaders are servants. Leaders are coaches. Leaders are strategists. The operational responsibilities have been delegated to the scrum teams. Leaders facilitate the conversation to assure the bottlenecks are eliminating continuously.
Leaders understand why we are doing Agile Transformation. What value we will receive when we complete Agile Transformation for the whole organization. Leaders are in the driver seat to build an Agile Culture and Mindset changes. Leaders will never pretend that they know everything and think they do not need to learn anything fresh. Leaders will be vulnerable and accept the limitation of their knowledge.
Leaders need to create Cross-Functional, Self Organized, Long live, Agile Teams. The team own end to end product & solution delivery. Leaders coach the team to achieve such a maturity state. Leaders will not interfere in the daily working discussion by micromanaging team member’s activities.
Leaders ensure all the organizational impediments encountered by team members are eliminates at the appropriate moment by deliberately driving these activities. Leaders look for those issues/challenges, gather those, and systematically address those. Some of those challenges are profoundly substantial in nature. Leaders engage in a value stream workshop to understand the product development flow-related roadblocks. They call for a discovery workshop to analyze and get rid of those challenges.
In the Agile Organization where team members start showing self organize, self-driven, cross-functional teams where team members are committed and own end-to-end delivery responsibility, Leaders coach the team to sustain those high-performance team traits. Leaders mentor the team members wherever they identify gaps and room for improvement opportunities are there.
Leaders engage in numerous problem-solving workshops to facilitate teams to resolves different types of issues the team is dealing with. Leaders will not be looking at the status updating and will not act like an action delegating master. Leaders will involve and cocreate the agile organization.
Leaders transform the organization’s culture. Agile culture is more about collaboration and cultivation among people. More concentrated on People’s aspects. Leaders ensure teams and team members are connected in the diverse platforms to demonstrate each other deliverable. Minimize dependencies among each other and Maximize exchange knowledge.
Leaders ensure organizations embrace a more experimental mindset. Encourage team members to gain by experimenting, failing, and sharing and caring approach. Leaders also exhibit the same mindset by walk the talk.
Leaders ensure the Kaizen process is in place. Leaders facilitate many such events to ensure, the great minds are functioning at the team level are prepared to contribute to the bigger purpose in the organization. Leaders will not ask for the ideas and calculate the ideas generated by the team members. Leaders will generate more ideas than their team members.
Leaders lead the organization change management journey. Leaders establish the change is accepted by the whole organization and changes are appearing due to Agile transformation. Leaders are leading from the front and acting as the lighthouses.
Leaders of change must be eager to move first. They exhibit the behaviors and attitudes that are expected of everyone else. Employees watch leaders for consistency between words and actions to look at if they should believe the change is absolutely going to happen. Leaders are self-aware and deliberate.
Leaders create a sense of urgency and importance about the change and demonstrate commitment and passion about getting things done. They offer recognition to those who are performing and operating well.
Leaders energize the team members, motivate them. Leaders identify the right talent, bridge the knowledge gaps if any by providing the perfect environment and training. Leaders establish the trust is in the air. Leaders provide the right supply of resource and assistance to maintain the right momentum and pressure in the ambient.
Situational Leadership® According to Blanchard and Hersey.
Leaders act based on the situation, based on the maturity of the team members, leaders delegates everything.